Partners for Climate Protection (PCP) Ceremony: Saint-Laurent Reveals its Secrets for Efficiently and Effectively Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions Français
SAINT-LAURENT, QC, March 23, 2021 /CNW Telbec/ - At the second edition of the Partners for Climate Protection (PCP) Ceremony organized on Monday, March 22, 2021 by the Réseau Environnement, Saint-Laurent Mayor Alan DeSousa unveiled the keys to success that enabled his borough to become—in January 2019—the first municipal entity in Québec with more than 100,000 inhabitants and the first in Greater Montréal to complete the final stage of the PCP program.
This performance enabled Saint-Laurent to reduce its collective greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by approximately 21% between 1990 and 2017. The collective inventory covering the 2017-2020 period is currently under way.
"The global pandemic that we have been experiencing for a year now is definitely a historic health crisis. But it shouldn't make us forget that another crisis—relating to climate change and the environment—is still ongoing. Since the early 2000s, Saint-Laurent has had a vision for environmental protection that includes the fight against climate change. This has been reflected in various increasingly ambitious plans as well as in the participation in the Partners for Climate Protection since 2013. Thanks to the latter, we have reduced our greenhouse gas emissions in a very encouraging way. These good results are mainly due to the excellent participation of all parties involved: residents, industrial firms, commercial establishments, institutions, organizations and, of course, our own administration. This performance is all the more remarkable given that, at the same time, our population has experienced significant growth and strong residential development. It motivates us to continue these efforts through the 2021-2030 climate emergency plan that we plan to unveil this year. We will be able to count, in particular, on new funding from the Federation of Canadian Municipalities to launch a new carbon budget project. So the PCP has been a step—and a very useful one—that this climate emergency plan and our biodiversity corridor will now be able to build on and enhance."
Alan DeSousa, Mayor of Saint-Laurent
The second Partners for Climate Protection (PCP) Ceremony was organized within the Municipalities for Climate Innovation Program, administered by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) and funded by the Government of Canada. This initiative supports communities that are members of FCM's PCP program and ICLEI to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and fight climate change. PCP is a partnership between FCM and ICLEI, an association established in 1990 under the sponsorship of the United Nations Environment Program, also known as Local Governments for Sustainability.
This ceremony was held to highlight the sustained efforts of the 60 or so Québec municipalities that are members of the PCP program in their fight against climate change. Among the inspiring testimonials from the most active municipalities, Mr. DeSousa spoke, in particular, alongside Suzanne Roy, President of the Union des Municipalités du Québec, and Sylvie Vignet, Mayor of Rivière-du-Loup.
At that time, Alan DeSousa, Mayor of Saint-Laurent, explained that "what the PCP experience taught the Saint-Laurent Administration above all is to better succeed in identifying its GHG emissions and the resources needed to reduce them. The results are really encouraging. For example, in 2017, while Saint-Laurent emitted 5.8 metric tons of GHG per capita, Québec emitted 9.6 tons and Canada 19.4 tons.
The Mayor of Saint-Laurent revealed the method for achieving such results: "The most effective way would therefore be to start by implementing good practices within the administration and personnel, and then within the municipal buildings and transportation. This should serve to create a ripple effect for the other stakeholders on the territory: institutions such as schools, commercial establishments and industrial firms as well as residents, of course."
This conference was held online due to the present public health measures to fight the COVID-19 pandemic. Exceptionally, it was placed within the framework of Americana, an annual environmental forum and international environmental technology trade show, reputed to be the largest multi-sector environmental event in North America, typically attracting 5,000 visitors from some 20 countries.
Related links
PCP Ceremony
Réseau environnement
Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM)
ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability
About the Arrondissement de Saint-Laurent
A city established in 1893, Saint-Laurent became one of Montréal's 19 boroughs in 2002. Located north of the island of Montréal, the Arrondissement Saint-Laurent is the largest of all, with its 42.8 square kilometres. Its population of over 100,000 is one of the most multicultural. Having become a "sustainable municipal territory" in 2019, Saint-Laurent places sustainable development—and environment protection, in particular—at the heart of all its decisions: a challenge that is all the greater since more than 70% of its territory is devoted to industrial and commercial activities, with over 4500 companies and 110,000 jobs. In fact, it is home to one of Québec's main industrial and technological hubs. Already boasting great accessibility to the main highways and public transit, Saint-Laurent is getting ready to welcome 5 train stations within the new Réseau express métropolitain (REM) light rail network. And last but not least, with its two libraries, its Centre des loisirs (recreation centre), its modern Complexe sportif, its arena and some 50 parks, Saint-Laurent offers a wide range of services in many areas of activity, such as culture, sports and recreation. In this way, the Arrondissement Saint-Laurent ensures a high quality of life in the borough for families and a stimulating environment for businesses.
SOURCE Ville de Montréal - Arrondissement de Saint-Laurent

Source: Marc-Olivier Fritsch, chargé de communications, Direction d'arrondissement, Division des communications et des relations avec les citoyens, Arrondissement de Saint-Laurent, 514 855-6000, ext. 4342 / [email protected]; Information: Marc-Olivier Fritsch, Media lines: 438 368-3318 or 514 825-6231
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