Healthy dads, healthy kids - CIHR experts available to speak about health issues related to fatherhood and men's health for Father's Day Français
OTTAWA, June 12, 2013 /CNW/ - Sometimes a game of catch isn't always just a game of catch. Quality time spent participating in physical activity with your children not only allows for great memories, but also sets a tone for a lifetime of physical activity. It's in small ways like this that fathers contribute to the health of their children while keeping themselves healthy.
In recognition of Father's Day, the following CIHR-supported researchers are available to share their expertise and discuss recent evidence on health issues related to fatherhood and men's health. A father is also available to share his experience caring for his daughter who was born prematurely.
Fathers, children and exercise: how fathers support the lifelong health of their kids by encouraging them to be active in early childhood
Dr. Kristi Adamo (Ottawa, ON)
Dr. Adamo is leading the first study in Canada to look at how to increase physical activity among preschoolers in daycare centres and the role of parental involvement.
Read about the importance of promoting physical activity in the preschool years in a paper published by Dr. Adamo.
Dads, diapers, baths and burping: how babies benefit from their fathers care at the hospital and at home
Dr. Shoo Lee, Scientific Director, CIHR Institute of Human Development, Child and Youth Health (Toronto, ON)
Dr. Bruno Piedboeuf (Quebec, QC)
Mr. Andy Fenton (Toronto, ON)
Dr. Lee has developed a Family Integrated Care model for use in the neonatal intensive care unit that puts parents in charge of most of the daily care of their babies. The model has shown to have a significant positive impact on the baby's well-being. It is now being evaluated in 18 hospitals across Canada including the Centre mère-enfant of the CHU de Québec where Dr. Piedboeuf is the site investigator. Mr. Fenton was the first dad to participate in the Family Integrated Care program at Toronto's Mount Sinai Hospital when his wife gave birth to their daughter at 27 weeks.
Read the results of a pilot study conducted by Dr. Lee.
Learn more about Mr. Fenton's experience.
Strength training for Super Dads: The best techniques for building muscle and the health benefits for men
Dr. Stuart Phillips (Hamilton, ON)
Dr. Phillips, the father of three boys active in sports, has done paradigm shifting research on weight training in men showing that lifting light weights can produce the same results as heavy weights.
Read the results of Dr. Phillips' research.
The Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) is the Government of Canada's health research investment agency. CIHR's mission is to create new scientific knowledge and to enable its translation into improved health, more effective health services and products, and a strengthened health care system for Canadians. Composed of 13 Institutes, CIHR provides leadership and support to more than 14,100 health researchers and trainees across Canada.
Ce document est également disponible en français.
SOURCE: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
If you would like to interview these researchers for a Father's Day story, or would like to find an expert who can speak on a different topic, please contact:
David Coulombe
CIHR Media Specialist
[email protected]
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