GATINEAU, QC, June 6, 2018 /CNW/ - Did you know that Lightning Safety Week is next week, from June 11 to 17? As we head into summer, lightning awareness becomes ever more important. Every year, lightning can cause as many as 10 deaths and 164 injuries, in Canada. Environment and Climate Change Canada has information to help Canadians reduce their exposure to the risk of lightning. Lightning-related injuries and deaths can be avoided by knowing when to take action and what to do.
Lightning awareness is particularly important for outdoor seasonal workers. Lightning is an occupational hazard, and those who work outdoors are vulnerable to lightning strikes. Many thunderstorms develop and occur between 1 p.m. and 7 p.m. By scheduling outdoor activities in the morning or later in the evening, most lightning hazards can be avoided. This safety measure applies to people working in parks, on golf courses, on roadways, in construction, on farms, or in the forest industry, as examples.
The Canadian Lightning Danger Map is one way to track thunderstorms. The Map displays high-risk lightning areas in red, with animation showing the movement of the storms. These maps are updated every 10 minutes, and they are based on recent lightning observations. Dark clouds and increasing wind speeds indicate an approaching storm. When you hear thunder, lightning is within striking distance, and it is time to seek shelter immediately, in an enclosed building or hard-topped vehicle. In the vast majority of cases, you will see lightning or hear thunder in advance, giving you time to get to a safe location. Keep in mind that the sound of thunder can be blocked by mountainous terrain and large buildings or masked by environmental noise, such as airplanes, traffic, and lawnmowers. Lastly, remember to wait for a full 30 minutes after the last roll of thunder before going back outside.
As we head into Lightning Safety Week, we invite you to contact your local warning preparedness meteorologist to find out more on lightning in Canada and to get informed on how Canadians can better prepare in the event of lightning threats.
Warning preparedness meteorologist: 1-866-672-5463
Remember: When thunder roars, GO INDOORS!
Associated Links
Environment and Climate Change Canada's Twitter page
Environment and Natural Resources in Canada's Facebook page
SOURCE Environment and Climate Change Canada

Weather Media Access Line, 1-866-672-5463 (toll-free); Media Relations, Environment and Climate Change Canada, 819-938-3338 or 1-844-836-7799 (toll-free), [email protected]
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