TORONTO, June 1, 2017 /CNW/ - Unifor welcomes the introduction of 'The Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs Act' today at Queen's Park and is calling for all-party support for the act so that it can move quickly into law.
Unifor National President Jerry Dias said that the legislation entrenches a firm commitment by government to Ontario workers, particularly those who are the most in need of support.
"Ontario workers have waited long enough for fairness on the job, I encourage all parties to support this important legislation," said Dias. "Basic decency at work should not be a partisan issue."
Both Dias and Ontario Regional Director Naureen Rizvi were onsite at Queen's Park for the introduction of the legislation.
Rizvi said that the legislation raises the floor for Ontario workers, particularly for temporary agency workers. "Combined with a union, temp workers will now have a real chance at fair wages, better scheduling and working conditions," said Rizvi. "These are the most influential changes that we have seen in more than a generation, it is urgent that elected officials now move to help Ontario workers and support the new laws."
"Retail workers are among the most precariously employed," said Christine Connor, President of Unifor Local 414, representing 12,000 workers in Ontario, many of them working in retail. "This legislation will help change the reality of retail work and bring greater security, especially those who don't have the benefit of a union." The union has prioritized raising wages and winning fairer scheduling at the bargaining table for retail workers.
Unifor will be pressing for additional improvements to the legislation, including allowing retail and fast food workers to join a union through card check certification, three weeks of vacation for all workers, as well as the creation of paid leave for domestic violence survivors.
Unifor is Canada's largest union in the private sector, representing more than 310,000 workers, half of which are in Ontario, with 160,000. It was formed Labour Day weekend 2013 when the Canadian Auto Workers and the Communications, Energy and Paperworkers union merged.
Unifor Communications representative Shannon Devine at [email protected] or 416-302-1699 (cell)
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