GATINEAU, QC, Nov. 20, 2013 /CNW/ - Today, the Honourable Candice Bergen, Minister of State for Social Development, issued the following statement to mark National Child Day:
"Our government believes that families are the building blocks of our society and that one of the most important investments that we can make as a country is to help families with the costs of raising their children. We also recognize that every family is unique and that a one-size-fits-all model of institutionalized daycare does not provide support to the majority of Canadian parents.
We fundamentally believe that parents know what is best for their children, not government bureaucracies. That is why our government proudly created the Universal Child Care Benefit, which provides Canadian families $100 a month for every child under the age of six. The Universal Child Care Benefit has helped over 2 million children annually and has lifted over 41 000 children out of poverty.
Our government will continue to respect parents and provide them with direct support to make the best child care decisions for their own families."
SOURCE: Employment and Social Development Canada
Andrew McGrath
A/Director of Communications
Office of the Minister of State for Social Development
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