Quebecor Fund announces list of funded producers and distributors under its Film Production Assistance Program and Export Assistance Program Français
MONTRÉAL, June 27, 2018 /CNW Telbec/ - Following May 31, 2018 submissions, the Quebecor Fund Board of Directors has announced the names of the production companies and distributors whose projects will receive funding in the 16th round of the Film Production Assistance Program. The selected producers and distributors will share a total of $780,000 in funding. The five successful projects will be produced and distributed by the following Canadian companies: Cinémaginaire inc., PCF Bravest The Movie inc. (Productions Caramel Films inc.), Films Vision 4 inc., 9378-3504 Québec inc. (Christal Films Productions inc.), Les Films du Paria inc., Les Films Séville inc., Téléfiction Distribution et Marketing inc., Les Films Opale inc., and Filmoption International inc.
Quebecor Fund's Film Production Assistance Program seeks to capture synergies with all industry stakeholders in order to:
- support the production of Canadian French-language feature films;
- support multiplatform exploitation of feature films and, in particular, promote integrated marketing strategies with an interactive component, starting at the development stage;
- enable the creative / production team to produce a work as close as possible to their original creative vision;
- help recipients realize a return on investment in order to increase the Fund's impact.
Under the Event and Film Production Assistance Program, as it was originally known when launched in September 2010, Quebecor Fund has granted 64 film projects and 14 event projects financial assistance totalling more than $11.9 million to date.
Quebecor Fund also has an Export Assistance Program (EXAP) which supports export initiatives by funding the development of audiovisual content adapted for non-Québec and international markets as well as marketing efforts. Since its inception in March 2014, more than $7.5 million has been invested in 27 export business models with 21 partner companies. In this 11th round, the Quebecor Fund will invest a total of more than $1.5 million in the business models of the following six companies: La Fête Content & Concept inc., Productions Déferlantes inc., Trio Orange inc., Média Ranch inc., Oasis Animation inc., and Productions Squeeze inc.
- Producer: Cinémaginaire inc.
- Distributor: Les Films Séville Inc.
After De père en flic 2, director Émile Gaudreault and the screenwriting team have come up with a new comedy fantasy, Mytho (working title). Compulsive liar Simon finds himself entangled in sticky situations when his lies turn into reality.
- Producer: PCF Bravest The Movie inc. (Productions Caramel Films inc.)
- Distributor: Les Films Séville Inc.
Since she was a child, Maria has dreamed of becoming New York's first female firefighter. But in 1928, only men were eligible. When a mysterious pyromaniac starts making the firemen disappear and terror grips the city, Maria sees her chance. Disguised as a man, she joins Manhattan's last fire brigade, whose captain is none other than her father.
- Producer: Films Vision 4 inc.
- Distributor: Téléfiction Distribution & Marketing inc.
7-year-old Yanna is a free spirit living an enchanted existence with her beloved parents. But Zak and Véra are at odds and now Yanna is torn between her Roma father and Lower St. Lawrence mother. She struggles to keep them together, watching for cracks in their relationship and trying to repair the damage. But a visit from Marguerite, Véra's daunting mother, threatens to burst the dam. To avert disaster, Yanna does something that will change their lives forever.
Tu te souviendras de moi
- Producer: 9378-3504 Québec inc. (Christal Films Productions inc.)
- Distributor: Les Films Opale inc.
Retired history teacher Édouard is starting to lose his memory. As there is no one to look after him, he is placed in the care of Bérénice, the daughter of Édouard's new son-in-law. Produced by Christian Larouche, written by Éric Tessier and François Archambault, directed by Éric Tessier.
La Beauté du monde
- Producer: Les Films du Paria inc.
- Distributor: Filmoption International inc.
Feeling bored in heaven, Brother Marie-Victorin comes back to earth to help Albert Payette save Québec's plants from Transgenia, a multinational that is poisoning the earth with chemicals. Everyone does what they can. Marie-Victorin sets fire to fields of genetically modified corn. Albert greens Montréal's roofs with his nephew and his punk friends. André Forcier's film mixes new and old loves, family reunions, the fight to rescue exploited workers, and an adventure that will transform everyone it touches.
Quebecor Fund
Quebecor Fund was established through Videotron Ltd., which provides nearly $7 million annually in broadcasting distribution undertaking (BDU) contributions to the Canadian industry. Quebecor Fund, a non-profit organization, is a private fund whose mission is to support the development, production, marketing and export of high-quality content and its exploitation on various platforms. Thus far, Quebecor Fund's programs have paid out a total of more than $99 million.
The Board of Directors is responsible for all decisions pertaining to the Fund, including its priorities, and is entirely and exclusively responsible for its funding decisions. The next deadline for applications for funding under the Film Production Assistance Program will be in late January 2019. The exact date will be posted on the website. For more information, see the guidelines on the Quebecor Fund website at
SOURCE Quebecor Fund

Serge Thibaudeau, CEO, Quebecor Fund, 514 842-2497, [email protected]
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