Media Advisory - Compass striking workers host community event
GODERICH, ON, June 26, 2018 /CNW/ - In appreciation of the Goderich and surrounding community's support for the nearly 350 workers on strike at Compass Minerals, Unifor invites residents to a free BBQ on June 28.
"The support for striking miners has been incredible," said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President, who will be present on Thursday's community event. "We want to show our appreciation and we'll be there to answer any questions people have about the ongoing labour dispute with Compass Minerals."
Unifor Local 16-O has been on strike since April 27, 2018. The company's latest offer included a long list of concessions including reducing benefits, extending shift length, forced overtime, and weakening existing contracting-out provisions in the collective agreement. Unifor Local 16-O says the employer ignored the majority of its proposals. Unifor is inviting members of the community and the media to join the workers for a Community Support and Appreciation Day.
What: |
Community BBQ with Unifor striking workers at Compass Minerals mine |
When: |
Thursday, June 28, 12 p.m. – 3 p.m. |
Who: |
Jerry Dias, Unifor National President; Unifor Local 16-O striking workers in production, shipping and maintenance; Gary Lynch, President of Local 16-O and Richard Paquin, Unifor Director of Mining |
Where: |
Goderich Lions Harbour Park, on Harbour Street, Goderich |
Unifor represents the miners in production, shipping, and maintenance at Compass Minerals in Goderich who are on strike, standing up for decent work and the rights of pensioners. Earlier this year, the union says the employer tried to mislead 48 laid off workers into accepting a severance package that would have cancelled recall rights. To end this strike the union is demanding a fair settlement for the miners and an immediate end to the use of replacement workers who are currently doing the work in the mine. For more information, please visit
Unifor is Canada's largest union in the private sector, representing 315,000 workers in every major area of the economy. The union advocates for all working people and their rights, fights for equality and social justice in Canada and abroad, and strives to create progressive change for a better future.

please contact Asma Farooq, National Communications Representative at [email protected] or 647-327-9371 (cell)
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