TIOHTIÀ:KE, QC, MONTRÉAL, Aug. 30, 2024 /CNW/ - We invite you to attend the International Overdose Awareness Day 2024, to be held at the Jardins Gamelin, this Friday at 4 pm. For the 11th consecutive year, the AQPSUD is honored to organize this event that allows us to remember, but also, to try to prevent the death of our loved ones. We are exhausted of seeing our friends and loved ones die from drug overdoses. This year's slogan is clear: "Enough Talk, take action!"
The situation does not change; in fact, it's getting worse. The figures are rising, and we're still not being listened to. This day is an opportunity to come together, to commemorate those we lost too soon, and to let the public know that things need to change. We can no longer grieve in silence. We must stand together and make our voices heard.
This year, after many requests, the city of Montreal will illuminate the Biosphere in purple for this important day. It's a symbolic gesture, but also a clear message to the whole city: the overdose crisis concerns us all. The illumination is part of the Illumination Project 2024 and will last until August 31, with many institutional, community, commercial and residential buildings across Quebec lit up in purple. The National Assembly also passed a motion on April 18 to recognize International Overdose Awareness Day.
What to expect at the event:
Organizations such as Cactus, Moms Stop The Harm, L'Anonyme, and many others, provincial and municipal elected officials, not to mention:
- Naloxone available on site
- A testimonial from Christian, Mathis Boivin's father, from Isabelle Fortier, Moms Stop The Harm representative and Sara-Jane's mother, and many others
- An open mic for people to make statements, accompanied by animations and speeches
- A moment of commemoration to remember those we've lost
Why do you need to be there?
Because it matters. Because every voice, every presence, is an added strength to fight, for those we miss, for those who died in vain. We can no longer afford to stay behind. What we do together today can save lives tomorrow.
For a list of the locations participating in the illuminations:
To find out more about the activities taking place across Quebec:

For any other questions: Sarah- Jeanne Voillot, IOAD 2024 supervisor, [email protected]; Sasha Pelletier Lambin, Communications manager, [email protected]; Chantal Montmorency, General management, 438-935-8330, [email protected]
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