PII Pipeline Solutions completes one million work-hours safety record in Canada
CALGARY, June 12, 2013 /CNW/ - In May, the PII team in Canada reached one million work-hours worked without a Lost Time Injury. A Lost Time Injury (LTI) is defined as any work related injury or illness that results in an employee being unable to carry on his/her assigned duties.
This historic accomplishment reflects the collective efforts of the team and the Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) culture PII Canada has adopted as one of its main pillars. This milestone achievement was recognized by the GE's Corporate EHS team in Canada as well as GE Oil & Gas.
Michael Bellamy, general manager of PII said: "Safety has to be embedded in the culture of the organization. It becomes an integral part of The Way We Work* and everyone's preoccupation. We have a system for rewarding the right behavior, and we drive continuous improvement in Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) performance by tracking even small issues raised through the EHS concern process and eliminating them as potential contributors to future incidents."
At PII, the team aspires to a No Harm standard. Each and every employee should return home safely to their families at the end of the working day, and stay safe at home.
The annual on-line training cycle ensures that our staff has the opportunity to regularly refresh their EHS knowledge. At the beginning of every meeting involving 5 or more attendees, whether internal or external, a safety moment is included to remind all of the importance of EHS.
Employees are also encouraged to Take Two Minutes before they start work to identify and address potential safety issues before they start a task. Staff is empowered to use the STOP Work initiative when identifying potential for unsafe work environment, whether in the office or in the field.
PII's ongoing commitment to Health and Safety in pipeline operations was coincidentally recognized by a leading operator in Canada. Following a safety audit report on an inline inspection run issued on May 15th, Jon Sadler, Manager, Program Implementation, and David Coker Pipe Integrity Engineer, Trans Canada Pipelines recently commented: ''The coordination between the groups was excellent and all work was conducted in a safe and efficient manner. Good result, please pass along our thanks to the team that was involved. Safety is one of our core values and we appreciate when a project is performed in a safe manner.''
With over 35 years of experience and one million kilometers of pipelines inspected, PII's heritage of providing accurate and reliable data helps promote environmental and public safety.
*Our unrelenting commitment to the environment, health and safety, quality and integrity defines us: it's The Way We Work.
About PII Pipeline Solutions
PII Pipeline Solutions is an industry leader in inspection and integrity services for all gas and liquid pipelines in every known environment and operating condition. From tried and true in-line inspection and integrity engineering, to revolutionary new services such as UltraScan™ Duo for crack assessment and SmartScan™ for unpiggable pipelines, as well as powerful data management tools, we provide the comprehensive technologies, skills and field experience needed to confidently determine the present and future condition of a pipeline. Our solutions go far beyond mere defect detection to proactive risk assessment and threat management to maintain a long-term balance of safety and productivity while helping pipeline operators meet stringent regulations.
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Laure Brooks
PII Pipeline Solutions
GE Oil & Gas
+44 191 247 3359
[email protected]
Tom Murnane or Kenneth Darling
Masto Public Relations
+1 518 786 6488
[email protected]
[email protected]
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