ELLIOT LAKE, ON, Oct. 15, 2014 /CNW/ - The Ontario Building Officials Association (OBOA)
OBOA President Mike Seiling stated "We are pleased with the far ranging review of issues carried out by the Commission, and the balanced and innovative recommendations made in the Report to strengthen the existing system of public safety in buildings. In particular, we applaud the Commission's overall conclusion that municipal building officials should be appropriately trained and certified. We support the Commission's recommendation that the Building Code Act be amended to require mandatory continuing education for such officials, and that they be recognized as fully independent in carrying out their responsibilities."
The OBOA offers an enhanced certification program for building officials that includes minimum requirements for education, examination and experience; and a continuous education program for building officials, to ensure buildings are safe for Ontarians.
The OBOA was granted standing and participated in the Inquiry's Phase 1 discovery proceedings and the subsequent solution-based Phase 1 policy roundtables convened by the Inquiry in Ottawa in November 2013.
About the OBOA
The Ontario Building Officials Association was established in 1956 and for over 58 years has played a leading role in the education, training and professional development of Ontario's municipal building officials. On behalf of municipalities, our 2000 members administer provincial laws and municipal by-laws relating to the construction of all types of buildings and structures.
OBOA expresses its mission as follows: "OBOA supports Ontario building officials in ensuring a safer and a more sustainable and accessible Ontario by delivering training and certification, promoting uniform code application, working with industry partners, providing a voice to policymakers, and advancing the profession."
For more information, please visit http://www.oboa.on.ca
Image with caption: "Ontario Building Officials Association (CNW Group/Ontario Building Officials Association)". Image available at: http://photos.newswire.ca/images/download/20141015_C1462_PHOTO_EN_6739.jpg
SOURCE: Ontario Building Officials Association
Mr. Aubrey LeBlanc, Chief Administrative Officer, Office: 200 Marycroft Ave, Unit # 8, Woodbridge, ON, Email: [email protected], Phone: office 905.264.1662 x222, cellular 647.627.7755
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