Harper Government proud to support Congress of Aboriginal Peoples' violence prevention program Français
OTTAWA, July 30, 2015 /CNW/ - Today, the Honourable Dr. K. Kellie Leitch, Minister of Labour and Minister of Status of Women, announced a new project to help end violence against Aboriginal women and girls in Canada.
The Congress of Aboriginal Peoples (CAP) is receiving $750,000 for a 36-month project entitled Engaging Men and Boys as Leaders in Raising Awareness of, and in Preventing, Violence Against Aboriginal Women. The project will develop and implement a national toolkit to engage men and boys in addressing gender-based violence. As part of the project, an annual awareness day will be created for men to come forward and take action to address violence against Aboriginal women and girls. CAP serves as the national voice for its provincial and territorial affiliate organizations that represent all off-reserve status and non-status Indians, Métis and Southern Inuit Aboriginal Peoples.
Quick Facts
- Since 2007, the Government of Canada has invested over $162 million through Status of Women Canada in support of more than 780 community-based projects across Canada. This includes over $71 million for projects to prevent and end violence against women and girls.
- Implementation of the Government of Canada's Action Plan to Address Family Violence and Violent Crimes Against Aboriginal Women and Girls began on April 1, 2015. It includes actions to prevent violence, support victims and their families, and protect Aboriginal women and girls. Investments outlined in the Action Plan total approximately $200 million over five years.
"Our Government is committed to ending violence against women and girls in all its forms, including violence against Aboriginal women and girls. That's why we continue funding projects like this one that engage men and boys because everyone has to be part of the solution."
The Honourable Dr. K. Kellie Leitch
Minister of Labour and Minister of Status of Women
"We are pleased to partner with the Government of Canada on this important project. By engaging men and boys to address violence against Aboriginal women and girls, we are taking an important step forward to make communities safer for women, girls and their families."
Ron Swain, Vice-Chief, Congress of Aboriginal Peoples
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SOURCE Status of Women Canada

For media inquiries only: Andrew McGrath, Director of Communications, Office of the Hon. Dr. K. Kellie Leitch, P.C., O.Ont., M.P., Minister of Labour and Minister of Status of Women, Tel: 819-953-5646; For all other inquiries: Nanci-Jean Waugh, Director General, Communications and Public Affairs, Status of Women Canada, Tel: 819-420-6810
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