MINNEAPOLIS, Nov. 8, 2017 /CNW/ -- From January 1 to September 30, 2017, Geosys doubled the number of medium-resolution images processed globally, compared to 2016. This resulted in the delivery of 15 to 20 cloud-free maps of fields during the growing season, when agronomists and farmers need them most. The maps are delivered to customers through proprietary tools, such as Croptical® monitoring application or the Geosys Bridge®API.
Because of its proprietary processing system, all the maps Geosys delivers are 100% cloud-free, corrected for acquisition context and cross-calibrated to empower analysis over time and space. This key differentiating factor delivers valuable data to customers, versus snapshot images.
When maps built from images acquired from different satellites are not calibrated properly, they only provide a picture of the field. While this can be useful in isolation for identifying which part of a field to scout, it doesn't deliver long-term value. When maps are properly calibrated, they can be compared to other maps – providing greater insights for agronomic decisions, field performance and yield potential throughout the season.
"Not only are we delivering more data, but we're doing it with greater accuracy and speed. In fact, we've decreased our delivery time by 40% this year over last," says Dave Gebhardt, vice president of strategy, Geosys. "And we are ready to process even more data as we transition to a fully automated processing system. This is an important improvement as we prepare to consume even more data with additional sources of imagery being added next year."
Geosys operates a source-agnostic processing system, which systematically acquires images from different sources to ensure a daily flow of data to its customers. Once acquired, images are downloaded automatically into its proprietary processing system, which runs 24 hours a day.
"While we built a system to manage a large quantity of data, the quality of the data is our number one concern," says Gebhardt. "Some providers might deliver more pictures in a given region, but when comparing the maps being delivered, we're proud of the scientific-grade data we're providing."
Geosys also covers the globe daily with low-resolution imagery. This monitoring capability is primarily used for benchmarking crop conditions on fields to farm to regional levels, providing a continuous flow of data globally for the past 12 years. Customers use these specific benchmarking indices to evaluate production trends and make business management decisions, in combination with higher resolution field variability maps.
To learn more, visit geosys.com.
Emily Negrin, 612-270-1186, [email protected], http://www.geosys.com
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