NUR-SULTAN, Kazakhstan, May 14, 2019 /CNW/ -- The theme of the upcoming XII Astana Economic Forum (AEF) to be held May 16-17 is "Inspiring growth: people, cities, economies." The world has entered a new era of the fourth industrial revolution: natural resources and geographic locations are no longer a priority. Instead, the 'technological efficiency' of the economy, the level of urban development and the quality of human capital now take precedence. The success of the state in the modern world is determined by the readiness of government institutions and citizens to meet this new reality.
The Kazakhstan Economic Research Institute published an analytical review, "Kazakhstan and the Global World: Challenges and Opportunities." According to Yerlik Karazhan, the Chair of the Board of the Institute: "We want to demonstrate to the world the level of Kazakhstan's participation in solving key global problems, the country's focus on open development, and readiness to search for effective solutions in various sectors."
In the world of global digitalisation of knowledge, human economy comes first. At the same time, cities are changing: humanity concentrates around big cities and agglomerations. According to Hans-Paul Burkner, Chairman of the Board of Directors, BCG, "By 2030 5.1 billion people or 60% of the global population will be living in cities. Environmental pressures are unprecedented, today only 10% of residents of cities have adequate conditions at par with recommendations of the World Health Organization."
The global economy is also undergoing changes. "The current juncture is delicate for the global economy," says Christine Lagarde, the Managing Director, International Monetary Fund. "A year ago, activity was accelerating in almost all regions of the world. However, we have witnessed a slowdown since the second half of 2018, reflecting rising trade tensions and a tightening of financial conditions. We are expecting a rebound in late 2019, but it seems precarious and vulnerable to downside risks."
All these issues are to be discussed at Astana Economic Forum – the main global discussion platform in Central Asia. Since the launch of the AEF eleven years ago, the event has become one of the most influential international platforms for discussing issues of the world economy and the financial system. Over 50,000 delegates have participated in the forum, from 150 countries, including more than 20 Nobel laureates and 30 high-level foreign political figures.
SOURCE Astana Economic Forum

For media enquiries: Aidana Zhaksygeldi, +7-8-800-004-01-40, +7-775-743-34-86, [email protected]
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