Pharmacies warn funding cuts would put community health services at risk
"We are working with the government on ways to modernize Ontario's drug system, but there's a right way and a wrong way to do that," said Nadine Saby, President and CEO of the Canadian Association of Chain Drug Stores. "At a time when the population of seniors is rising and the need for community pharmacy care is increasing, we're trying to avoid unintended consequences, particularly the loss of critical heath services for seniors and people with chronic health conditions such as diabetes, heart disease and asthma."
At issue is the way pharmacies are compensated for providing care and services under the current funding model. Today, most government funding for pharmacy care provided to patients covered by the Ontario Drug Benefit program (ODB) comes through dispensing fees. The ODB dispensing fee is set at
In public comments by officials of the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, the government has indicated that it is considering cuts to indirect funding in the form of professional allowances from drug manufacturers, another key element of pharmacy funding under the current system.
"The government has said in the Legislature that it is not planning to reduce drug benefits under the ODB," said Ben Shenouda, President of the Independent Pharmacists of Ontario and a community pharmacist in Brampton. "But if they go ahead with cuts to indirect compensation, that would reduce funding for pharmacies just the same. Cuts are cuts are cuts. And if you cut funding, we simply can't provide the services people need."
The list of currently unfunded services is long and diverse. They range from training patients on how to manage their diabetes and avoid complications such as heart attacks and kidney failure, to blood pressure monitoring, telephone consultations with patients and their physicians, and delivery of prescriptions to seniors' homes. It is these services that pharmacies are warning would be at risk if the government introduces legislation or regulations to reduce overall pharmacy funding.
"It's a simple equation," said
The Ontario's Community Pharmacies coalition is the unified voice of community pharmacy in Ontario, representing independent owner-operated stores, "banner" groups of independently-owned stores that work together, as well as large and small pharmacy chains. The coalition is supported by the associations and organizations that represent both the profession and the neighbourhood business of pharmacy, including the Ontario Pharmacists' Association, the Independent Pharmacists of Ontario, the Canadian Association of Chain Drug Stores and the Ontario Chain Drug Association.
For further information: Sara Feldman, Canadian Association of Chain Drug Stores, Office: (416) 226-9100 x 225; Tina Perlman, Community pharmacist, London, Ontario, (519) 854-2816; Ben Shenouda, President, Independent Pharmacists of Ontario, Mobile: (416) 566-7258
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